The Happy Hearts Drop-In, located in Rossington, recently experienced a surge of joy following a generous £1,000 grant from the Doncaster Hall Cross Freemasons. This volunteer-run initiative, which convenes every Wednesday from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Ragusa Community Centre on Radburn Road, Rossington, DN11 OYL, is dedicated to fostering community well-being through various activities. In addition to its regular meetings, Happy Hearts organizes a special monthly event featuring guest speakers, karaoke sessions, or game nights, alongside regular sessions focused on yoga, Zumba, and other wellness activities, complemented by light refreshments.

The group primarily supports individuals who are widowed, isolated, or struggling with loneliness, offering them companionship and recognition, such as birthday cards and flowers. Maria Timmins, the organizer of the Hub, expressed profound gratitude towards the Hall Cross Freemasons for their financial support. This grant will facilitate the launch of a new weekly Happy Hearts Hub session scheduled from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, enhance community promotion, and provide new technological resources to expand their services aimed at assisting vulnerable adults over 50 with social and well-being issues.

Andrew Smith, a local resident and Freemason, highlighted the importance of supporting community organizations like Happy Hearts that address isolation and loneliness. He emphasized the Freemasons’ commitment to charitable giving and community support. For those interested in learning more about Happy Hearts Drop-In or wishing to contribute, information can be found by emailing or visiting the Ragusa Communal Hall for the Drop-In sessions held from 10:00 am to 12 noon on Fridays. Further details about the Freemasons’ work or inquiries about the Hall Cross Freemasons Lodge can be directed to

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