In a recent feature by The Royal Gazette, the story unfolds around St Clair “Brinky” Tucker and his journey with the Freemasons, a journey that began with skepticism and evolved into a lifelong commitment. Initially dismissing the invitation to join due to a misunderstanding of what Freemasonry entailed, Tucker’s perspective shifted dramatically after a stern correction from his mother, revealing his familial ties to the organization.
The article highlights the presence of four Irish Freemason lodges in Bermuda: Hannibal, Friendship and Harmony, Abercorn, and Bermuda Garrison Lodge, all under the oversight of the Provincial Grand Lodge established in 1989. Tucker, alongside the late Clarence James and Gerard Bean, played pivotal roles in its foundation.
Tucker’s initiation into the Hannibal Lodge marked the beginning of a 56-year journey, culminating in his ascension to the rank of Provincial Grand Master. The narrative details a special event set for March 17, where Tucker and other Past Provincial Grand Masters will be celebrated at a St Patrick’s Day Service and brunch at St Patrick’s Church in Smith’s.
The piece delves into the Freemasons’ ethos of discretion, community service, and the fostering of personal growth and camaraderie among its members, devoid of discussions on politics or religion to maintain harmony. It also outlines the rigorous vetting process for potential members and the organization’s commitment to supporting its community and members in need.
Tucker’s story is one of enlightenment, dedication, and the pursuit of higher understanding within the Freemasons, culminating in his achievement of the 33rd degree, the highest order an Irish Freemason can achieve in Bermuda. The upcoming St Patrick’s Day event not only honors his and others’ contributions but also supports the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Bermuda, showcasing the Freemasons’ ongoing commitment to community welfare.