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SCOTLAND - The Lodge Union and Crown No.307, a Masonic organization in Barrhead, has generously donated £2,000 to the Provost's Community Defibrillator Fund. The fund, established last year by Provost Mary Montague, aims to increase the number of public access defibrillators (PADs) across East Renfrewshire and provide training in essential life-saving skills such as CPR.

The donation was presented to Provost Montague during a civic dinner held at the lodge's Cochrane Street headquarters on March 8th. The cause is particularly close to the Provost's heart, as she has personal experience of losing a family member to cardiac arrest.

Expressing her gratitude, Provost Montague emphasized the importance of increasing the availability of PADs throughout the community, stating that the donation will enable the purchase and installation of another defibrillator in Barrhead, potentially saving lives.

Evans Reid, Past Master and secretary of the lodge, explained that the organization had initially pledged £300 to the fund during a recent bicentenary event. However, in the five weeks leading up to the civic dinner, the lodge managed to raise an additional £1,700, bringing the total donation to £2,000 – the approximate cost of a single defibrillator.

The civic dinner, which was part of the lodge's 200th-anniversary celebrations, was attended by representatives from 17 local organizations, including the 1st and 2nd Barrhead Boys' Brigade, East Renfrewshire Foodbank, and the Barrhead Rotary Club. The event served to recognize and appreciate the work carried out by these groups to improve lives within the community.

During the dinner, Right Worshipful Master Robert Dickson Scott welcomed the guests and explained the purpose of the bicentenary dinner, while James Renfrew PM proposed a toast to the town of Barrhead, sharing historical information about the lodge and the town. Provost Montague replied to the toast, and Bud Gauld delivered a speech about freemasonry worldwide.

The evening was described as "fabulous" by Evans Reid, with all attendees speaking favorably about the event.

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Scotland - Barrhead Masonic lodge supports defibrillator fund